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William Morris
William Morris

William Morris

William Morris Glass

Stanwood, WA USA

"Would you rather have one year of utter vitality, or would you have 10 years of just sort of ho-hum mediocrity? Either choice is fine, but live the choice that you make."

Career Roadmap

William's work combines: Art, Environment & Nature, and Being Creative

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Day In The Life


I create evocative and beautiful glass sculptures.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    California State University-Chico

  • Graduate Degree

    Central Washington University

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life has been direct

  • 1.

    He says that the only time he felt secure when he was making art.

  • 2.

    Sure, he had questions about whether he was making the right choices, and he had financial ups and downs, but art made all doubts disappear.

  • 3.

    He started doing ceramics when he was in high school, and he slowly surrounded himself with artistic mentors.

  • 4.

    He couldn't afford to go to art school, so he took a job driving a truck at an art school and lived nearby.

  • 5.

    While there, he met famous glass artist Dale Chihuly and he offered to help him out with his work.

  • 6.

    Ended up working with Chihuly for ten years without ever taking a cent of pay, but that apprenticeship shaped his career.

  • 7.

    He's now one of the most famous glass artists in the world, with works featured in the Louvre and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

  • 8.

    Says you'll never be sure that you chose the right path, but that's unimportant; all that matters is that you have faith in your decision.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from undefined:

  • How I responded:

Experiences and challenges that shaped me

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  • I was offered a job at an art school as a truck driver because I couldn't afford to be there as a student. I lived in a treehouse, didn't have any electricity or running water. Everything I owned was in a Fiat 128 sedan.