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Learn how to build a fulfilling career—and life—around your interests.

Wondering what you should do with your life? Feeling lost, or unsure of how to take the first step down your career path? "Roadmap" is here to help.

At Roadtrip Nation, we've spent nearly 20 years interviewing all kinds of people who love what they do. Get all of the best advice and insights we've collected over the years in this brand new edition of "Roadmap."

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Roadmap book on a table with candles

Full of interactive prompts and activities to help you answer the age-old question—"So, what are you going to do with your life?"—in a groundbreaking way.

Roadmap book open to chapter titled "Define"
Activity inside Roadmap book that helps you define your interests

“Their insights about finding a life, not a job, may be as relevant for the new high school and college graduates as they are for entrenched mid-life careerists looking for a better way to live.”

As cited by the Chicago Tribune

Our Philosophy

After thousands of interviews, we've realized that anyone can self-construct a fulfilling career and life through an ever-evolving, three-step process: Let Go, Define, Become.

Watch to learn more about our philosophy: Let Go, Define, Become
Step One: Let Go

Letting go means shedding the noise you've heard your whole life, clearing away what doesn't feel right, and beginning to understand what success truly means for you.

Step Two: Define

Define is about starting with your interests, then combining and exploring them to find ways of living and working you may have never imagined for yourself.

Step Three: Become

No matter what challenges you may face, this section will get you past fears and doubts, equip you with the tools you need, and help you put in the work to reach your version of success.

Peek Inside

Praise for “Roadmap”

"Excellent for new graduates, midlife job seekers, and anyone who desires a change."

As cited by the Library Journal

"I can't tell you how thrilled I am to see new books on the self-help shelf that rattle our idea of what belongs there. 'Roadmap' expands our definition of what to expect from the genre and what to expect of ourselves—really helps to blow the dust off the old picture."

Jenn Witte, Bookseller

Skylight Books Los Angeles

"This book is a great reminder of why we should always follow our dreams and never settle. It's inspiring, motivating, fun, emotional, and so much more."

Photo of Ariel Helwani

Ariel Helwani

MMA Reporter

"'Roadmap' proves that a life catered to our own unique strengths and interests is not only possible, but with the right tools and insight provided, something we can start pursuing today."

Photo of Datev Gallagherr, aka Ladiedottie

Datev Gallagherr

aka Ladiedottie, YouTuber


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