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Andrea  Lacy

Andrea Lacy

Luv's Brownies

San Jose, CA USA

"Never let any challenge stop you from making your dreams a reality. "

Career Roadmap

Andrea 's work combines: Entrepreneurship, Food, and Helping People

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Day In The Life


I am the founder and owner of Luv's Brownies an online bakery and dessert truck

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

    Mills High School, Millbrae CA

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Mass Communication/Journalism

    San Jose State University - San Jose,CA

  • Graduate Degree

    Master of Business Administration

    Golden Gate University - San Francisco,CA

  • Certification

    Digital Transformation from the School of Engineering

    Stanford - Stanford,CA

Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Chief Executives:

Bachelor's Degree: Mass Communication/Journalism

Graduate Degree: Master of Business Administration

Certification: Digital Transformation from the School of Engineering

Learn more about different paths to this career

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life took a while to figure out

  • 1.

    I struggled all the way through my last year of college, when I was finally diagnosed with dyslexia.

  • 2.

    I never thought I'd get a master's degree. But, I ended up earning a scholarship for a Masters of Business Administration.

  • 3.

    Contracting, consulting or employed by some of the best companies in the world such as Adobe, SAP and others…

  • 4.

    I remember coming home one night and praying on what I should do next with my life.

  • 5.

    My company was named after my childhood doll named Luv. Hence the name Luv's Brownies. The logo is based on my childhood handwriting when I was three years old. I didn't know how to spell love.

  • 6.

    Creating a business plan

  • 7.

    In 1996, my online bakery Luv's Brownies, was an Internet pioneer, digital native and born in the cloud.

  • 8.

    We have done fundraisers for AIDS and homelessness; giving back is incredibly important to me. In 2021, we launched the Andrea R. Lacy scholarship. A portion of our sales goes to this fund.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from Peers:

    Do you really think people are going to buy your heart-shaped brownies over the Internet? You are wasting your time.

  • How I responded:

    When I first started Luv's Brownies, so many people thought I was crazy. They didn't think that customers would order heart-shaped brownies online for delivery or to ship. Those very same people thought that no one would trust inputting credit card information over the Internet. I overcame the objection by surrounding myself with like minded entrepreneurial people.

Experiences and challenges that shaped me

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  • I couldn't afford to attend a four year college after high school. I went to a community college and transferred to SJSU. My financial aid counselor encouraged me to apply for a MBA and write an essay for a scholarship. I did and earned the award.

  • I was the first person in my family to attend college. My father was a hairdresser & mother a housekeeper. My parents worked so hard. Both of them taught me the value of honesty and tenacity.

  • While at SJSU as a thank you I baked brownies for a friend. I noticed the dough was thick, but baked the brownies anyway. After I was diagnosed with dyslexia, I revisited the recipe and realized I transposed the recipe without knowing I had dyslexia.