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Amy Boyd

Amy Boyd

Warren Wilson College

Career Roadmap

Amy's work combines: Environment & Nature, Science, and Teaching / Mentoring

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Day In The Life

Biology professor

I teach biology classes, and I study pollination and plant ecology.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

    Iroquois High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Biology/Biological Sciences, General

    Earlham College

  • Graduate Degree

    Environmental Studies

    Antioch University-New England

  • Doctorate

    Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

    University of Arizona

Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Biological Science Teachers, Postsecondary:

High School

Bachelor's Degree: Biology/Biological Sciences, General

Graduate Degree: Environmental Studies

Doctorate: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Learn more about different paths to this career

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life took a while to figure out

  • 1.

    When I was a kid, I loved being outside, exploring my yard, picking apart flowers and watching bugs.

  • 2.

    I took every science and math class I could in high school, and I read lots of nature books.

  • 3.

    When I was in college, I tried out lots of things, but came back to biology.

  • 4.

    In college, I was able to try out field research, work in a museum, and be a teaching assistant.

  • 5.

    After college, I taught high school for a little while, getting my feet wet with full-time teaching.

  • 6.

    Then I spent a year teaching English to migrant workers and running a youth hostel.

  • 7.

    After that, I was ready to go back to school and start graduate work.

  • 8.

    After finishing my doctorate, I got the job I have now, teaching college biology.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from Parents:

    You can be whatever you want to be, but don't be a teacher. Teachers aren't respected or paid well for the important work they do.

  • How I responded:

    I kept ending up in situations where I was teaching people things, and I found out I was not only good at it, but I loved it. It became clear that teaching was what I should be doing, even if it wasn't the best paid or most prestigious path.