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John Elder

John Elder


Career Roadmap

John's work combines: Technology, Business, and Problem Solving

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Day In The Life

Senior Database Administrator

I am a SQL server database administrator.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Database Architects:

High School

Bachelor's Degree: Computer Science

Learn more about different paths to this career

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life took a while to figure out

  • 1.

    First I had a passion for technology.

  • 2.

    Then I entered community college working towards a degree in technology.

  • 3.

    Then I started a part time entry level job in the technology field.

  • 4.

    Then I worked my way up to a fulltime job selling computer hardware.

  • 5.

    Then I started a consulting company writing software for small companies.

  • 6.

    Then I when to work at a consulting company writing software for medium to large size companies.

  • 7.

    Then I landed a job writing software for SQL server databases.

  • 8.

    Then I moved to database administration.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from Parents:

    You should get a college degree.

  • How I responded:

    Follow your passion but be willing to start on the ground floor and work hard.

Experiences and challenges that shaped me

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  • Moved back in with my parents, enrolled in a community college and started an entry level part time job in the computer field.