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Bev Kearney
Bev Kearney

Bev Kearney

UT Austin

Austin, TX USA

"One thing that I think distinguishes myself from everyone else around me is I wanted to be somebody. I didn't want to be nobody."

Career Roadmap

Bev's work combines: Non-Profit Organizations, Sports, and Teaching / Mentoring

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Day In The Life

Track and Field Coach

I'm the head coach of the University of Texas women’s track and field team.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Social Work

    Auburn University

  • Graduate Degree

    Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness, General

    Indiana State University

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life has been direct

  • 1.

    Lost her mom at a very young age, had to go into "survival mode," worked while she was going to high school.

  • 2.

    Was homeless by the time she graduated; luckily got a full track and field scholarship for junior college, then college.

  • 3.

    Graduated with a degree in social work but didn't know what to do, was working three jobs, still not making enough money.

  • 4.

    Decided she needed to go back to graduate school; cold-called schools, Indiana State offered her a scholarship/coaching job.

  • 5.

    Says our generation worries too much about consequences, that fear keeps us from rewards.

  • 6.

    By the time she was 28, she was the youngest head coach in the University of Florida's history.

  • 7.

    While coaching track at the University of Texas, she got in a serious car accident; was told she'd never walk again.

  • 8.

    Refused to accept that diagnosis; went through several major surgeries, worked hard on her rehab; can walk again, working on running.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from undefined:

  • How I responded:

Experiences and challenges that shaped me

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  • My mom passed away... and my father had already moved out and there were 7 of us so we were actually on our own. Basically before I could graduate High School I was homeless, we didn't have anywhere to go.